tune page


Shalom Aleichem

Found in %488:SHALOMALEICHEM.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
Shalom Aleichem - staff notation
X: 488
T: Shalom Aleichem
D: Andy Statman & David Grisman "Songs of our Fathers"
Z: John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Em
[|"Em"B2 gf e2 e2 \
| "B7"^de fe dc B2 \
|1 ^dd d2 "Em"ed eg \
| "B7"f4 b4 \
:|2 "Am"A2 e2 ^d2 c{Bc}A \
| "B7"B4 z4 |]
[|"G"ga b2 b2 b2 \
| "D7"ag fg "B7"ab a2 \
| "Em"gf ef gb ag \
| "B7"f4 z4 ||
||"Am"f2 a2 a2 a2 \
| "B7"ac' ba "Em"gf eB \
| g2 fe "B7"f2 e^d \
| "Em"e4 z4 |]

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