tune page


Reprisal. BC.54, The

Found in COOKEB(12-4-2016).ABC from the Chris Partington abc collection
Reprisal. BC.54, The - staff notation
T:Reprisal. BC.54, The
T:Lads A'Bunchum,Adderbury,aka. BC.54
T:Oh,dear mother what a fool I be,aka BC.54
T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
B:Benjamin Cooke MS.circa 1770, F.Kidson Coll.
A:Uncertain, probably Northern English
N:The tune for the Morris Dance "Lads A'Bunchum",Adderbury and Oh,dear
N:mother what a fool I be,aka...CGP...
Z:Village Music Project, 2000, John Bagnall
dc|{c}B2 BB {Bc}d2 cB|{B} A2 A>A A2. Bc|\
{cd}d2 cB {d}c2 BA|{A}G2 GG G2 gf|
{f}e2 d>d d2 ((3GBd)|{d}d2 BB B2 g f|\
{f}e2 dd d2 cB|(AG) AB D2 (dc)|
{c}B2 BB (Bg )dB|{c}A2 AA AB cd|\
(e<g) dB {Bc}c2 B A|{A}G2 GG G2|]

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