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Horse to the New Market

Horse to the New Market - staff notation
T:Horse to the New Market
Z:Transcribed by David Jacobs Sept 2015
a|fed c>Bc|AcAc2a|fed c(B/c/B/)|B(c/B/c/) d2a|
fed c>Bc|AeA cde|fef aec|B(c/B/c/)d2:||
A/A/A/c A/A/A/a|A/A/A/d c2a|A/A/A/e c/c/c/a|B/B/B/c/ d2f|
A/A/A/e c/c/c/a|A/A/A/d cdf|f>ef aec|Bc/B/c/d2:|
f|e/e/e/e c/c/c/c|de/f/g/ aec|Bc/B/c/ d2:|
f/g/|a/a/a/e f/f/f/A|e/e/e/Ac2 (f/g/)|a/a/a/e f/f/f/A|
bBcd2 (f/g/)|a/a/a/e f/f/f/c|e/e/e/A cB/c/A/|de/f/g/ aec|Bc/B/c/ d2d2:|

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