====== The abcnotation.com wiki ====== This wiki was initially created as a venue for hosting the abc standard, so that contributors can edit the latest draft. However, there's no reason that other content can't be added here, such as manuals or tutorials - please [[https://abcnotation.com/contact|contact me]] if you would like to start something off. Chris Walshaw ====== wiki contents ====== * [[abc:standard|the abc standard]] * [[abc:standard:v2.2|the abc standard version 2.2 (draft)]] * [[abc:standard:v2.1|the abc standard version 2.1]] * [[abc:standard:v2.0|the abc standard version 2.0]] ====== abcnotation.com links ====== Links to other parts of the abcnotation.com website: * [[https://abcnotation.com/|abc home page]] * [[https://abcnotation.com/software|abc software]] * [[https://abcnotation.com/search|abc tune search]]