tune page


Alla Lopper

Found in 11543 from the The Session abc collection
Alla Lopper - staff notation
X: 2
T: Alla Lopper
R: mazurka
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
|:B>c d2 e>d|(3BcB G4|B>c d2 e>d|(3cBc A4|
A>B c2 d2|f>e d2- d>g|f>e d>c A>F|G2 G4:|
|:b>g e2- e>g|b>g d2- d>g|f>e d>c B>A|G>G B>d (3gfg|
b>g e2- e>g|b>g d2- d>g|f>e d>c A>F|G2 G4:|

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