tune page


The Ness Pipers

Found in 14870 from the The Session abc collection
The Ness Pipers - staff notation
X: 1
T: The Ness Pipers
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Bmin
BBBc cBBc|fBBf Bffe|AAAc cBBA|ecce Aeec|
BBBc cBBc|fBBf Bffe|AAAc cBBe|feec B2 ef||
BBBf feec|feef a2 ec|AAAe eccB|feef fAec|
BBBf feec|feef a2 ec|AAAe eccB|feec B2 ff||
.B2 .c2 cBBA|fBBf Bffe|.A2 .c2 cBBA|ecce Aeec|
.B2 .c2 cBBA|fBBf Bffe|AAAc cBBe|feec B2 f2||
a4 feef|fef^g a2 fe|.A2 .c2 cBBA|ecce Afef|
a4 feef|fef^g a2 fe|AAAc cBBA|feec B2 ff||

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