tune page


The Fiddler

Found in 16799 from the The Session abc collection
The Fiddler - staff notation
X: 1
T: The Fiddler
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Amaj
|:E|A2cA FAEF|ABce fede|fa (3aga faec|AecA BAFG|
A2 (3cBA FAEF|ABce fafe|fa (3aga faec|BABc A3:|
|:e|ac'ec' aec'a|gfec dBGF|Ac (3cBc fcef|gefg egfe|
ac'ec' aec'a|gfec dBGF|Ac (3cBc fcec|dBGB A3:|

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