tune page


the 74th Highlanders Quickstep

Found in 74thHighlandersQS.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
the 74th Highlanders Quickstep - staff notation
X: 1
T: the 74th Highlanders Quickstep
O: Kerr
B: Kerr Collection
R: march/reel
Z: 2014John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: Amix
e2 |\
"A"a4 e2a2 | cAcd e2dc |\
"G"BBg2 ddg2 | BGBc d2cB |\
"A"a4 e2a2 | "A"cAcd e2af |
e2dc "E7"Bcde | "A"c2A2 A2 :: e2 |\
"A"ABcd eAcA | eAaA c2BA |\
"G"GABc dBGB |
dBgd B2AG |\
"A"ABcd eAcA | eAaA c2e2 |\
"G"dcBA GABd | "A"c2A2 A2 :|

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