tune page


The Cooper O' Dundee

Found in Cooper_O_Dundee.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
The Cooper O' Dundee - staff notation
T:The Cooper O' Dundee
 z4 z A,| A, D D D3/2 E/2 F| E3/2 D/2 C E/2 G3/2 G| A3/2 A/2 A G A c|\
 A3/2- G/2F/2 E/2 D2 A,| A, D D D3/2 E/2- F| E3/2 D/2 C E/2 G3/2 G|\
 A3/2 A/2 A G A c| A3/2- G/2F/2 E/2 D2 c| c c c c d e| E E C E/2 G3/2 G|\
 A d d d c d| e3/2 d/2c/2-B/2 A2 c| c c c c d e| E D C E G G| A A A G A c|\
 A3/2- G/2F/2 E/2 D3|

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