tune page


Coleford Jig

Found in Coleford_Jig.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
Coleford Jig - staff notation
T:Coleford Jig
R:hp 32
Z:P J Headford
|:.F2F2 DFA2|dAFD E2E2|DF((3ABc) d2df|edcB ABAG|
.F2F2 DFA2|dAFD. E2E2|DFAd cdec|d2d2 d4:|
|:Acef gfge|defg a2f2|g2 ((3efg) f2 ((3def)|edcB ABAG|
.F2F2 DFA2|dAFD. E2E2|DFAd cdec|d2d2 d4:|]

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