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Transposition proposals

4th Jul 2015: Transposition proposal version 16 has now been incorporated in the draft standard.

Note on section numbering: Given the volume of material that needs to be written up for transposition, it is very likely that transposition will have its own chapter in the next version of the standard - probably chapter 13, with the current chapters 13 (Examples) and 14 (Appendices) moved to 14 and 15 respectively. Alex's proposal has been written with this in mind; Chris's proposal has been updated to this structure as of version 9.

I have written up the independent-shift use case separately as a justification for including independent score and sound transposition operators in all of the proposals.

Proposals from Chris Walshaw

Proposals from Alexander Scheutzow

abc/standard/v2.1/proposals/transposition.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/04 11:24 by cwalshaw
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