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   C C       Devonshire Reel, The [2]
 4/4 Eb      Devonshire wooing - sent by Fox
 4/4 G       Devon Steamboat
 4/4 D       Devoran Reel
 2/4 Gm      devotedly bouyant (asbo)
 6/8 Dm      De Vriezeman
     G       Devy Hornpipe
  C| G       Devy Hornpipe
 4/4 Gmaj    Devyn Jansen's
 2/4 D       Dewdrop
     A       Dew-Drop Hornpipe, The
 2/4 A       Dew-Drop -- Hornpipe
 2/4 A       Dew Drop Hornpipe
 6/8 D       Dewdrops on the Corn
 3/4 D       Dew Drop Waltz (1)
 3/4 F       Dew Drop Waltz [2]
 3/4 D       Dew Drop Waltz (3)
 3/4 D       Dew Drop Waltz. Le4.233, The
 3/4 D       DEW-DROP WALTZ (measures 1-16), The
 6/8 Eb      Dewi ab Ifan
 6/4 C major de Wildhuser (Vorjodler). C-Dur
 6/4 C       de Wildhuser (Vorjodler). C-Dur
 6/4 C major de Wildhuser (Vorjodler/Gradheber). C-Dur
 6/4 C       de Wildhuser (Vorjodler/Gradheber). C-Dur
 3/4 F       Dewis Meinwen
 3/4 F       Dewis Meinwen
 3/4 F       Dewis Meinwen
 3/4 F       Dewis Meinwen. DWM. 24.1
  C| D       De Witt Clinton's Grand Slow March
 3/8 G       De Witt Clinton's Short Troop, or Waltz
 4/4 Ador    Dew On The Grass, The
   C G       Dew on the Grass, The
   C Ador    Dew on the Grass, The
 3/4 G       Dew on the Rose
 4/4 G       Dew Pool
 5/4 C       Dewy Dells of Yarrow., The
 5/4 C       Dewy Dells of Yarrow., The
 3/4 Fmin    Dewy Morning, The
 2/4 G       Dexter Smith’s Reel
 6/8 G       d'fhidir no'n d'fhairich thu Ruairachan, An
 6/8 C       D'Fragin' Jig
 2/4 G       D'Fullenhochzeit, S. 38
 3/4 G major D/G Instruments
 4/4 D       D.G. Lynch's
 4/4 D       D.G. Lynch's
 4/4 D       D.G.LYNCH'S (reel)
 6/8 G       Dhàmhsadh a Bhanarach
 9/8 Dmix    Dhamhsadh Coinnach Ri Inghinn
 9/8 Amix    Dhamhsadh Coinnach ri Inghinn
 3/4 Bb      d'Hammerschmiedsgesell'n
 3/4 Bb      d'Hammerschmiedtsgesell'n
 9/8 Amin    Dhannsamaid Le Ailean
 9/8 Amin    Dhannsamaid Le Ailean
 3/4 Am      Dhannsamaid Le Ailean
 2/4 D       Dha Phort
 6/8 G       Dhá Phréacáin (Two Crows)
   C D       Dh' eirich mi moch
     G       Dhomhnuill, a
 4/4 Gmaj    Dhomhnuill! A Dhomhnuill!, A
 4/4 Gmaj    Dhomhnuill! A Dhomhnuill!, A
 4/4 Gmaj    Dhomhnuill! A Dhomhnuill!, A
 4/4 Amaj    Dhomhnuill! A Dhomhnuill!, A
 4/4 Emin    Dhomhnuill! A Dhomhnuill!, A
  C| G       Dhòmhnuill, A Dhòmnhuill, A
  C| G       Dhomhnuill, A Dhomnhuill, A
  C| G       Dhòmhnuill, A Dhòmnhuill, A
 3/4 G       Dhonail ruaidh ghaolaich, A
 4/4 Gmin    Dhow, The
 4/4 Gmin    Dhow, The
 4/4 Gmin    Dhow, The
 4/4 Gmin    Dhow, The
 4/4 Dmin    Dhow, The
 6/8 Amaj    Dhu Hill, The
 6/8 Amaj    Dhu Hill, The
 6/8 Amaj    Dhu Hill, The
 6/8 D       DHU HILL, the
 6/8 D       DHU HILL, The
 6/8 F#Phr   Dhu Hill, The
     D       Dhu Hill, The
 6/8 F#Phr   Dhu Hill, The
 6/8 F#m     Dhu Hill, The
 2/4 F       Dhuloch Cottage
 6/8 G       Diable an 'lair, Le
  C| A       Diable Hornpipe. Roose 1060, Le
 4/4 Gmaj    Diable Vert
  C| G       Diable Vert
  C| G       Diable Vert, le
  C| G       Diable Vert, Le
 2/4 Dmin    Diablinoaden, La
 4/4 Bmin    Diablo
 3/4 G       Diablo Viennese Waltz
 3/2 Emin    Diabolo Lyon
 3/2 Emin    Diabolo Lyon
9/16 A minor Diacove (Bulgaria)
9/16 Am      Diacove (Bulgaria)
9/16 A min   Diacove (Bulgaria)
9/16 Am      Diacove (Bulgaria)
9/16 Am      Diacove (Bulgaria)
 3/4 G       Diadem
 4/4 G       Diadem
 4/4 G D|G G Diadem
 4/4 G D|G G Diadem
 3/4 G       Diadem
 4/4 C       Diademata
  C| Am      Dialogue
     Bb      DIALOGUE DUET
 3/4 Gmaj    Dialogue, words by O'Keefe
 4/4 Gmaj    Diamantina Drover
 3/4 Dmaj    Diamond
 3/4 Cmaj    Diamond
 3/4 Dmaj    Diamond
 3/4 Dmaj    Diamond
 3/4 Dmaj    Diamond
 3/4 Dmaj    Diamond
 4/4 Gmin    Diamond, The
     Em      Diamond, The
     Dm      Diamond, The
 2/4 A       Diamond [1]
 6/8 Dmix    Diamond [2]
 2/4 Gmin    Diamond [3]
  C| Amin    Diamond [3] Reel, The
  C| Amin    Diamond [3] Reel, The
   C Gmin    Diamond [3], The
   C Gmin    Diamond [3], The
  C| G       Diamond Crest Essence
 6/8 F       Diamond Hall
 6/4 F       Diamond Hall. PDF2.198
 6/8 Dmix    Diamond -- Jig, The
 3/2 F       Diamond Joe
 2/4 D       Diamond Joe
 6/8 C       Diamond Jubilee, The
             Diamond Jubilee
 6/8 C       Diamond Jubilee, The
   C GDor    Diamond Mine
 4/4 Dmaj    Diamond Mountain, The
 4/4 Gmaj    Diamond Mountain, The
 4/4 G       Diamond Quarrie, The
     F       Diamond Quarrie, The
             Diamond Quarrie
  C| Am      Diamond Reel
 2/4 A       Diamond -- Reel
 4/4 Edor    Diamond Rock, The
 4/4 Em      DIAMOND ROCK (reel), The
   C A       Diamonds Clog
 2/4 G       Diamond Sunday (Sunday with Greg)
 3/4 D       Diamond Waltz
 2/4 F       Diana Floreada (MG 46)
 6/8 D       Diana, La
 6/8 D       DIANA'S JIG
   3 G       Diandl i sag das dir's drei, viermal, ...
 3/4 G       Diandl, wannst mi wuellst liabn
   C G       DIANE
     F       Diane Kathleen
   C F       Diane Kathleen
     G       Diane's Dilemma
 4/4 Gmaj    Diane's Happiness
 4/4 Gmaj    Diane's Happiness
  C| G       Diane's Happiness
  C| G       Diane's Happiness
 2/4 G       Dianhu wugeng han
 2/4 C       diao bing
 2/4 C       Diao shi de yanzhao At the table with a carved
 2/4 Eb      Diao xianxian
 6/8 G       Diarmaid Lenihan's
 6/8 Gmaj    Diarmuid McGig
 6/8 Gmaj    Diarmuid McGig
 3/4 Emin    Diarmuid na gradh
 6/8 G       DIARMUID'S JIG
 9/8 D       Diarmuid's March
 8/4 C       Diatonic Scales on Natural Notes
 2/4 D       Dibdin's Fancey Troop. JBut.284
 2/4 Gm      Dibdin's Fancy
 2/4 A       Dibdin's Fancy
   C G       Dibdin's Fancy
   C D       Dibdin’s Fancy
 2/4 D       Dibdin's Fancy
   C G       Dibdin’s Fancy
 2/4 Emix    Dibdin's Fancy. Roose.0206
 2/4 Emix    Dibdin's Fancy. Roose.0206
   C G       Dibdin's Fancy. TWC.135
 2/4 G major Dibdins Fancy. VWMLa.239
 2/4 G       Dibdins Fancy. VWMLa.239
 2/4 G       Dibdins Fancy. VWMLa.239
 2/4 G major Dibdin's Fancy. WM.083
 2/4 G       Dibdin's Fancy. WM083
 2/4 C       Dibdin's Fancy. WM083
 2/4 G       Dibdin's Fancy. WM.083
 2/4 G       Dibdin's Fancy. WM083
 2/4 G       Dibdin's Fancy. WM.083
  C| G       Dibdin's Plough Boy. A Retreat
  C| G       Dibdin's Plough Boy. JBut.038 (Harmony #40)
   C G       Dibdins Ploughboy (with seconds). JBut.038
 4/4 A       Dicey Reilly
 2/2 D       Dicey Riley
  C| G       Dicey Riley
 2/4 C       dich, mein Herz (Polka)  CGF (pk06802), An
 2/4 C       dich, mein Herz (Polka)  CGF+ (pk06802), An
 2/4 C major dich, mein Herz (Polka)  CGF (pk06802) ABAC, An

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