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4/4 A Wooing Mairi C G Wooing Mairi #2 C| D WOO'IN O'T, the C| D WOO'IN O'T, the C| D WOO'IN O'T, The C| D WOO'IN O'T, The C| D Woo'in o't, The 6/8 A Woolcomber's Jigg. Roose.0719,The 6/8 A Woolcomber's Jigg. Roose.0719,The 4/4 Edor Woolen Cap, The 4/4 Edor Woolen Cap, The 6/8 G Woolloomooloo Lair 2/4 C Woolloomooloo Schottische 3/2 G Woolly and Georgey 3/2 G Woolly and Georgey 3/4 G Woolly and Georgey. (p).1701.PLFD1.479 3/4 G Woolly and Georgey. (p).1701.PLFD1.479 3/4 G Woolly and Georgey. (p).1701.PLFD.479 4/4 D Wooloomooloo Schottische 2/4 D Woolsack. RHu.036, The 2/4 D major Woolsack,The. RHu.036 2/4 D Woolsack,The. RHu.036 3/4 G Wooly and Georgey 3/4 G Wooly and Georgey 3/4 G Wooly and Georgey 3/4 G Wooly and Georgey. WCD3/1.159 6/8 Dmin WoolyPig 6/8 D Wooster Oddity 6/8 G Wooton Underhedge Assembly 6/8 G Wooton Underhedge Assembly 6/8 G Wooton Underhedge Assembly 6/8 G Wooton Underhedge Assembly THO1.073 6/8 D Wop She 'Ad It-i-o 4/4 Gmaj Worcester, The 4/4 Gmaj Worcester, The 4/4 Gmaj Worcester, The 6/8 C Worcester Assembly 2/4 C major Worcester Farewell. JJo.131 2/4 C Worcester Farewell. JJo.131 2/4 C Worcester Farewell. JJo.131 4/4 G Worcester Hornpipe 4/4 G major Worcester Hornpipe,aka. JBu.47, The 4/4 G Worcester Hornpipe,aka. JBu.47, The C G Worcester Hornpipe,aka. JNi.[004] 4/4 D Worcester Permain C| Cmix Worcester Races C| C Worcester Races. JJo.192 C| C Worcester Races. JJo8.192 4/4 A Worcestershire Christmas Carol, The 4/4 Gmaj Worcestershire Hornpipe 4/4 G Worcestershire Hornpipe 4/4 G Worcestershire Hornpipe 3/4 A Worcestershire Wedding 3/4 A Worcestershire Wedding 3/4 Dmin Wordless Tune for a Sleepless Heart 3/4 Dmin Wordless Tune for a Sleepless Heart C Words. [Under the Greenwood Tree] none G Word Supreme, Before Creation none G Word Supreme, Before Creation 4/4 C WOR IS JUWE VADER 2/4 Bb Work and Play 4/4 Dmaj Workers Holiday 6/8 Gmaj Work For The Willing 6/8 Gmaj Workhouse, The 6/8 Dmaj Workin' At The Winery 4/4 Emin Working Man's Friend 4/4 G Working Masons in Merlin, The 6/8 G Working on the Railroad C| C Workington Races 2/4 Dmaj Work Of The Weavers 6/8 C Workshop Jig 4/4 D Workshop Reel 4/4 D Workshop Reel Em Work Song 4/4 F Work Song, irr. 4/4 F Work Song, irr. 4/4 F Work Song, irr. World Around the Corner, The C| D World Around the Corner, The C| Bm World's End 4/4 Dmix World's End, The 4/4 Bmin World's End, The 4/4 Bmin World's End, The 2/4 Amaj World's End C| BMin World's End, The C| Bm World's End C| Bm World's End, The C| BMin World's End, The 4/4 D World Turned Upside Down, The 6/8 C World Turned Upside Down, The 6/8 C World Turned Upside Down, The 4/4 Cmaj World Turned Upside Down, The World Turned Upside Down, The C G World Turned Upside Down, The 2/4 D World Turned Upside Down C G World Turned Upside Down, The 4/4 D World Turned Upside Down, The C G World Turned Upside Down, The C| C World Turned Upside Down, the 2/4 D World Turned Upside Down, The 2/4 D World Turned Upside Down, the 2/4 D World Turned Upside Down [1], The 6/8 D World Turned Upside Down [2] 6/8 D World Turned Upside Down [2] 2/4 D World Turned Upside Down [3], the C| C World Turned Upside Down [C], the C| D World Turned Upside Down [D], the C D World Turned Upside Down [D], the C D World Turned Upside Down [D], the C D World Turned Upside Down [D], the C G World Turned Upside Down (G), the 3/4 A Worm Crawls In, The C F Worm Doctor. JJo3.097 C F Worm Doctor. JJo3.097 6/8 Am WORM IN THE FIDDLE! 12/8 Ador Worn Torn Petticoat, The 12/8 Ador Worn Torn Petticoat, The 12/8 Ador Worn Torn Petticoat, The 12/8 Ador Worn Torn Petticoat, The 12/8 Ddor Worn Torn Petticoat, The 12/8 Ador Worn Torn Petticoat 12/8 Ador Worn Torn Petticoat, The 2/4 Bb Worrell's Hornipe C| Bb WORRELL'S HORNPIPE C| Bb Worrell's Hornpipe 2/2 A Worried Man 6/8 Ddor Worried Man, The C D major Worsbro Hornpipe. JBu.53 C D Worsbro Hornpipe. JBu.53 6/8 F Worse for Better. A Dance. 6/8 F Worse for Better. A Dance. C A Worster Hornpipe, The C A Worster Hornpipe, The C| Eb Worster Hp,aka TS.011, The C| Eb Worster Hp,The,aka TS.011 C| Eb Worster Hp,The,aka TS.011 2/4 G Worst Hotel in England, the C| HP Worth the Wait 2/4 F Worthy of Reverence 3/4 G WOS GAR ZU SACHT UND STILLE GEHT 2/4 Eb Wo shi rikeze ren 2/4 E Wo shuo laoban shi tiao niu 4/4 C WO SOLCH EIN FEUER NOCH GEDEIHT C Em Wo soll ich fliehen hin (BWV 646) 2/4 A WO SOLL ICH MICH HINKEHREN 4/4 E WO SOLL ICH MICH HINWENDEN 2/4 A Wo sui hongjun nao geming 3/4 G Wo treff' ich meinen Schaefer an, 6/8 G Wotton-Underedge Assembly 6/8 G Wotton Underhedge Fair 6/8 G Wotton Underhedge Fair 6/8 G Wotton Underhedge Fair 6/8 G Wotton Underhedge Fair THO1.139 6/8 F Wou'd You have a Young Virgin 6/8 F Wou'd you have a young Virgin: Or, Poor Robin's 6/8 F Wou'd you have a young Virgin. PFD2.148 6/4 F Would'st Thou Magnify The Story 9/8 Amaj Would The Minister Not Dance? 9/8 Amix Would The Minister Not Dance? 6/8 D Would You Have a Young Virgin? 6/8 F Would You Have a Young Virgin 6/8 D major Would You Have/Court a Young Virgin of 6/8 D Would You Have/Court a Young Virgin of 6/8 D Would You Marry a Young Virgin,aka.2voices. 6/8 Dmaj Wounded Healer, The C| D Wounded Hoosier C G Wounded Houssar 6/8 Am Wounded Hussar, The 6/8 Am Wounded Hussar, The 3/4 G Wounded Hussar, the 3/4 GDor Wounded Hussar, the 6/8 Gm WOUNDED HUSSAR C Wounded Hussar, The 6/8 Ador Wounded Hussar. CJF.131, The 3/4 Bb Wounded Hussar JBrk.99, The 6/8 Am Wounded Hussar. Le4.013, The 6/8 Am Wounded Hussar. Le4.013, The 6/8 Bm Wounded Hussar. RH.036, The 6/8 Bb Wounded Hussar, The 3/4 Bb Wounded Hussar, The 3/4 G Wounded Hussar, The 3/4 Emin Wounded Hussar, The 3/4 Ador Wounded Hussar, The 6/8 G major Wounded Hussar,The. CJF.131 6/8 G Wounded Hussar,The. CJF.131 6/8 G Wounded Hussar,The. CJF.131 6/8 G Wounded Hussar,The. CJF.131 6/8 D major Wounded Hussar,The. RH.036 6/8 D Wounded Hussar,The. RH.036 6/8 Bm Wounded Hussar,The. RH.036 6/8 Bm Wounded Hussar,The. RH.036 6/8 D Wounded Hussar,The. RH.036 3/4 A minor Wounded Hussar,The. WI.008 3/4 Am Wounded Hussar,The. WI.008 3/4 Am Wounded Hussar. WI.008, The 6/8 Ador Wounded Hussay. JBut.728, The 6/8 Am Wounded Huzur. LIT.109, The 3/4 G Wounded Huzzar. JC.248, The 3/4 G major Wounded Huzzar,The. JC.248 3/4 G Wounded Huzzar,The. JC.248