tune page


The Jealous Husband Well Fitted

Found in abc_dtrad.tar.gz (KATEHRN3.abc) from the the Digital Tradition abc collection
The Jealous Husband Well Fitted - staff notation
% Generated more or less automatically by swtoabc by Erich Rickheit KSC
T:The Jealous Husband Well Fitted
 C| F G A C| F A z C| F G A B| c2 z A| B A G A| B/2 A/2- A G F| E- c C C|\
 C2 z c| c A A F| F D D d| d B B G| F- E z C| D E F G| A/2 d/2- d c A|\
 G F E/2E/2 C| D2 z||

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