tune page


The Duharra

Found in 10493 from the The Session abc collection
The Duharra - staff notation
X: 1
T: The Duharra
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
|:dBB2 dBge|dcBG ABce|dBB2 gedB|AcBA BGGB|
dBB2 dBge|dgbg agef|g2gd egdB|1 AGAB GABc:|2 AGAB GABd||
|:g2ge dA(3Bcd|egg2 eaaf|g2ge dgbg|agab g2ga|
bgge agef|gfgd efge|dBBg gedB|1 AGAB GABd:|2 AGAB GABc||

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