tune page


Alborada De Rendueles

Found in 20636 from the The Session abc collection
Alborada De Rendueles - staff notation
X: 1
T: Alborada De Rendueles
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Amaj
e2ce a3b|agfg a2e2|e2ce a3b|agfg a4:|
c'2b2a3c'-|c'2b2 a3b|abab a3b|abab a3e|
agfg a3e|agfg e3e|agfg agfe|fgag e3A|
cAce B3G|BGBd c3A|cAce B3G|BGBc A4|
cAeA c3e|cece c3e|cece d3e|defe c3e|
cece c3e|cAeA c3e|cece d3e|defe c3e|
agfg a3e|agfg e3e|agfg agfe|fgag e3A|
cAce B3G|BGBd c3A|cAce B3G|BGBc A4||

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