tune page


The Air Tune

Found in 2833 from the The Session abc collection
The Air Tune - staff notation
X: 4
T: The Air Tune
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
Affe f2de|fade f2ed|Beed faed|BA ~A2 BAFG|
Affg a2ag|fade f2ed|d2Be dB(3Bcd|1 FGEF D3B:|2 FGEF D3g||
abga fgef|edcd FADA|Beed fded|BA ~A2 BAFG|
abga fgef|edcd FADA|GBBA BdcB|1 Affe defg:|2 Affe d3B||

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