tune page


Pretty Maggie Morrissey

Found in 3564 from the The Session abc collection
Pretty Maggie Morrissey - staff notation
X: 7
T: Pretty Maggie Morrissey
R: hornpipe
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Gmaj
B>c|d>BG>B c>AF>A|(3GFG A>F G>AB>c|d>gf>g e>fg>e|d>BG>B A2B>c|
d>BG>B c>AF>A|(3GFG A>F G>AB>c|d>gf>g e>cA>F|G2B2G2:|
|:B>c|d>gf>g e>gf>g|d>g (3gfg e>gf>g|d>gf>g e>fg>e|d>BG>B A2 B>c|
d>BG>B c>AF>A|G>DB,>D G>AB>c|d>gf>g e>cA>F|G2B2G2:|

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