tune page


The Mill House

Found in 4484 from the The Session abc collection
The Mill House - staff notation
X: 5
T: The Mill House
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Amaj
AB|:c2BA FE~E2|ABcE FBAF|EFAB cfec|cBBA Befe|
c2BA FE~E2|ABcE FDAF|EFAB cfec|1 BAcB ~A2AB:|2 BAcB ABcd||
eAce a2ga|f2af ecAF|EFAB cfec|cBBA B2 cd|
eAce a2ga|f2af ecAF|EFAB cfec|BAcB ABcd|
eAce a2ga|f2af ecAF|EFAB cfec|cBBA BEAB|
c2 BA FE~E2|ABcE FBAF|EFAB cfec|BAcB ~A2AB||

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