tune page


da Hamefarer's Reel

Found in HamefarersR.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
da Hamefarer's Reel - staff notation
X: 1
T: da Hamefarer's Reel
O: Shetland
R: reel
Z: 1997 by John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
D: Boys of the Lough
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: D
|: (3ABc \
| "D"d2dA "(A)"FAGE | "D"F2D2 D2ed | "A"c2cB Acec | "D"dfAd FAfe | "D"d2dA "(A)"FAGE |
| "D"F2D2 D2fg | "A7"a_agf eAfe | "D"d2d2 d3 :: fg | "D"afdA FAdc | "G"B2G2 G2ef |
| "A7"gece Aceg | "D"fdAF D2fg | "D"afdA FAdc | "G"B2G2 "(Em)"G2ef | "A7"gece Agec | "D"d6 :|

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