tune page


Koiviston polska

Found in KoivistonPolska.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
Koiviston polska - staff notation
X: 3
T: Koiviston polska
O: Trad Finland
R: polska
M: 3/4
L: 1/16
K: Dm
|: "Dm"ABAG FGFE D2F2 \
| "A7"EFED ^CDC=B, A,2B,C \
| "Dm"D2^CD E2DE F2EF \
| "Gm"G2FG "A7"A4 [A4^C4] \
:| "F"c4 cdcB A2A2 \
| "C7"B2B2 B2AG "F"A2F2 |
| "F"c4 cdcB A2A2 \
| "C7"B2B2 B2AG "A7"A2G2 \
| "Dm"FEFG A2F2 "(Gm)"E2D2 \
| "A7"FED^C C4 "Dm"D2E2 \
| "Dm"FEFG A2F2 "(Gm)"E2D2 \
| "A7"FED^C C4 "Dm"D4 |]

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