tune page


the Stool of Repentance

Found in StoolOfRepentance_3.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
the Stool of Repentance - staff notation
X: 1
T: the Stool of Repentance
N: The title refers to the "dunking chair" that was used to punish
N: people in some parts of the British Isles and New England.
R: Jig
Z: John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: A
e \
|: "A"a2e c2e \
| a>gf edc \
| "Bm"a>ff f2e \
| "D"fag "E7"f2e \
| "A"a2e c2e |
| a>gf edc \
| "D"d2e f2e \
| "E7"f<ac "A"B2A \
:: "A"c>AA eAA \
| cAc edc |
| "Bm"d>BB fBB \
| dBd "E7"fed \
| "A"c>AA eAA \
| cAc edc \
| "D"d2e f2e \
| "E7"f<ac "A"B2A :|

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