tune page


Miss Jessie Heron of Skye

Found in Miss_Jessie_Heron_of_Skye.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
Miss Jessie Heron of Skye - staff notation
T: Miss Jessie Heron of Skye
Q: 128
|:C4|A,6 B,2 C4 D4|E4 A2B2 c8|d4 c2B2 c4 B2A2|B4 G4 E4 D2B,2|
A,6 B,2 C4 D4|E4 A2B2 c8|d2c2 B2d2 c2B2 A2c2|A8-A4 c2d2|
f4 a4 B4 c2d2|e4 a4 A8|d2c2 B2d2 c2B2 A2c2|B8-B2G2 E2D2|
C4 E2A2 c2B2 A2G2|F2A2 d2c2 B4 c2d2|e2c2 A2E2 B2c2 d2B2|A12:|

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