tune page


Cuckoo's Nest

Found in cuckoosNest.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
Cuckoo's Nest - staff notation
X:1     %Music
T:Cuckoo's Nest     %Tune name
C:     %Tune composer
N:Filkins Tradition (Approximate-- Butterworth supposed that bars 5-8 made up the "A" part)%Tune infos
Q:1/4=120     %Tempo
V:1     %
     %!STAVE 0 'Piano 1' @
     %!INSTR 'Piano 1 [Ch1]' 0 0 @
M:4/4     %Meter
L:1/8     %
B3/2c/ B3/2A/ G2 g2 |g=f ed c2 cc |BA G=F GA cB-|BG2 G4 |B3/2c/ d2 =fe |d3/2c/ BA G4 |c2 c3/2d/ c2 =fe |dB dB G2 G3/2A/ |B3/2c/ B3/2A/ G2 g2 |g=f ed c2 cc |BA G=F GA cB-|BG2 G4 |]
     %End of file

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