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a Trip to Clumber. For the Ger. Flute

Found in melnets_big_abc_file.abc from the John Chambers abc collection
a Trip to Clumber. For the Ger. Flute - staff notation
T:a Trip to Clumber. For the Ger. Flute
N:Same as the previous, transp up to G
d2 dg| g2 fg| ec'/a/ gf| g/f/g/a/ gg|\
d2 dg| g2 fg| ec'/a/ gf| g2 G2:|
|:d2 Bd| dcAF| GDEF|G/F/G/A/ GG|\
d2 Bd| dcAF| GDEF| G2G2:|
|:b2 bg| c'2 c'2| affd| g/f/g/a/ gg|\
b2bg c'2 c'2| ag f/g/a/f/| g2 g2:|

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