tune page


the Cuckoo's Nest

the Cuckoo's Nest - staff notation
X: 913
T: the Cuckoo's Nest
R: hornpipe
%S: s:3 b:17(5+6+6)
B: Francis O'Neill: "The Dance Music of Ireland" (1907) #913
Z: Frank Nordberg - http://www.musicaviva.com
F: http://www.musicaviva.com/abc/tunes/ireland/oneill-1001/0913/oneill-1001-0913-1.abc
N: Compacted via repeats and multiple endings [JC]
N: Compacted by using labels and play order [JC]
P: Play A1A2 A1A2 BB CA2 CA2
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: G
"^A"[|] \
(dc) | BABA GBdg | fdcB cedc | BABG \
[1,3 FGAB | c2A2A2 :|[2,4 FGAc | B2G2"^fine"G2 :|
|:(Bc) | dBGB dBGB | dcBA G2(AB) | cAFA cAFA | cBAG F2 |\
| (BA) | GABc d2g2 | fdcB cedc |
| BABG FGAc | B2G2G2 :|\
|:(Bc) | dggf gabg | afd^c d2(de) | =fede ^fgaf | gfdB c"^->A2"e |]

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