tune page


Highland Reel

Found in Puck's_Scotch_Reel from the Traditional Tune Archive abc collection
Highland Reel - staff notation
T:Highland Reel
T:Puck's Scotch Reel
N:A version of "Lucy Campbell [4]"
B:”Melodist: A Collection of music in two volumes" (1826-1859, No.  21, p. 13)
N:The melodist is a musician's ms., probably by a fiddler, that contains both
N:tunes and songs from a variety of sources, American and European. The
N:inscription on the inside cover reads, "This is from the Bridge family of
N:Augusta, Maine (Horatio Bridge, friend of Hawthorne's)". However, entries in
N:the ms. were in different hands indicating several contributors.
N:The ms. is neat and the notation studied and precise.
F:  https://archive.org/details/Melodist/page/n13/mode/2up?view=theater
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
A/D/F/D/ A/D/F/D/|A/D/F/D/ B/E/E/F/4G/4|A/D/F/D/ d/e/f/e/|d/B/A/F/ A/D/D:|
|:d/B/A/F/ d/e/f/e/|d/B/A/F/ B/E/E/E/|d/B/A/F/ d/e/f/e/|d/B/A/F/ A/D/D:|
|:d/f/A/f/ d/f/A/f/|d/f/A/f/ e/c/B/A/|d/f/A/f/ d/f/f/e/|d/B/A/F/ A/D/D:|
|:a/b/a/f/ d/e/f/d/|e/f/[A/d/]f/ e/B/B/A/|a/b/a/f/ d/e/f/e/|d/B/A/F/ A/D/D:|]

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