tune page


AIR XXXVI. Bonniest Lass in all the World.

Found in HighlandFair.abc from the Jack Campin abc collection
AIR XXXVI. Bonniest Lass in all the World. - staff notation
T:AIR XXXVI. Bonniest Lass in all the World.
B:Joseph Mitchell: "The Highland Fair" (1731)
Z:Jack Campin, http://www.campin.me.uk/
% last edit 14-02-2013
GA|B2D2 E2GA|A3G   E2DE|G2G2 g2d2  |e4  d2
ga|bage degB|cBA>G E2DE|G2g2 d>ec>d|B3A G2||
ef|g2d2 e2g2|abag  egae|dega bage  |g4  d2
ga|bage degB|cBAG  EGDE|GABc degd  |B3A G2|]

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