tune page


The Birks of Invermay

Found in Book16.abc from the John Chambers' music books abc collection
The Birks of Invermay - staff notation
X: 16026
T: The Birks of Invermay
R: strathspey
B: RSCDS 16-2(I)
N: "Surenne"
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: G
Bc \
| "G"d3e d>B A>G | "Am"A>G AB "C"E3 G \
| "G"D>E DB, D2 G>D | B,2 D>E "D7"D2 GB |
| "G"d2ef/g/ d-<B A>G | "Am"c>B AG "C"E2 B>A \
| "G"G>E DB, D2 G>A | "D7"B2 A>G "G"G2|
|| D>C \
| "G"B,3 D "Em"E>D E-<G | "Am"A>G A-<B "C"E2 e2 \
| "G"d>e dB "(Em)"c>B A-<G | "Am"c>d cB "D7"A2 d>c |
| "G"B>d ef "Em"g3e | "G"d>B A-<G "C"E2 B>A \
| "G"G>E DB, D2 G>A | "D7"B2 A>G "G"G2 |]

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